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Privacy Policy
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Quantum Leaps Corporation (hereinafter, the Company) fully abides with all laws and regulations regarding the use of personal information and takes all possible measures to protect important personal information.

1.Gathering and using personal information

The Company will acquire personal information, such as names and e-mail addresses, to the extent necessary and by legal and fair means. In addition, we will handle such information appropriately within the scope of the following purposes of use.

  • To confirm the identity of the customer
  • To respond to the inquiry of the customer
  • To provide services to the customer
  • To notify or provide information, communications, materials, or services regarding seminars or events organized by the Company

2. Handling of personal information

The Company will not use personal information we have obtained beyond the extent necessary to achieve the above-stated purpose of use or provide personal information to third parties unless otherwise specified as follows:

  • With prior consent from the individual concerned
  • When we have a pre-existing contract with a subcontractor, etc., who will not use personal information for any purpose other than to provide the services we have entrusted to the subcontractor
    ※In such cases, we will require the subcontractor to handle and manage the provided personal information properly and appropriately
  • When required by laws and regulations

3. Security measures

The Company will strive to store and manage personal information in an accurate, up-to-date manner and take all reasonable technical and organizational security measures to prevent the unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information.

4. Compliance with laws and regulations

The Company will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.

5. Response to requests regarding personal information

The Company will respond promptly and appropriately to any requests from individuals to disclose, correct, add, delete, or terminate the use of their personal information.

6. Revisions to this Policy

As appropriate, the Company will review and improve each of the above items regarding customers’ personal information.

7. Inquiries

Please contact the following for inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy, or to submit comments or requests regarding personal information as described in Section 5.

Quantum Leaps Corporation
Telephone: 03-5785-3968