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Why I established Quantum Leaps

Nobuyuki Idei Nobuyuki Idei
Quantum Leaps Corporation

When I graduated from university in 1960, Sony’s revenues were about 10 billion yen. In other words, it was a venture company. After that, Sony’s growth followed a J-curve. By the time I left in the early 2000s, Sony commanded over 7 trillion yen in sales. In the process of growing from a venture company to a global corporation, Sony experienced numerous quantum leaps. I witnessed and led many such leaps in my role as business manager and top executive.

The world is in the midst of a power shift from the Atlantic, led by the West, to the Pacific, led by Asia. Instead of competing, Japan must work to build complementary, co-creative relationships with Asia and other countries to achieve qualitative growth. My desire is to contribute to the dramatic evolutionary transformation (quantum leaps) of Japan and Asia by bringing together and working with a diverse range of partners who can identify opportunities for new business and growth not only from a Japanese or Asian perspective, but a global one.

At Quantum Leaps, we provide innovative ideas and enabling resources that create new value on a global scale. Together with like-minded people who care about the future of Japan and the world, we nurture the next generation of global companies and leaders to create a future filled with hope and potential.

Nobuyuki IdeiNobuyuki Idei
Quantum Leaps Corporation

Nobuyuki Idei profile
(November 22, 1937 ~ June 2, 2022)

Idei joined Sony Corporation in 1960 after graduating from Waseda University. He was appointed president in 1995. For 10 years, he led Sony’s transformation as top management. After resigning from Sony, Idei established Quantum Leaps Corporation.

Company Profile

Photos by Yu Kaida