Creating a venue where next-generation leaders from
all industries and business types can gather,
discuss, collaborate, and create
new business opportunities
Going beyond an extension of the past, we create new visions
and strategies with foresight of future markets and industries.
We provide transformative support programs to make
these visions and strategies a reality.
Quantum Leaps’ unique ecosystem is comprised of a network of more than 2,000 partner companies that collaborate to grow and expand the possibilities of the future.

Through the Expert Exchange Session and other activities, Quantum Leaps holds presentations for Club 100 members, portfolio companies, and client companies about current management issues to analyze what factors are needed to secure further growth.
In addition, Quantum Leaps has long-standing connections with experts experienced in accelerating growth in a wide variety of industries, with funds and individual investors both in Japan and overseas, and with potential alliance companies. We tap these connections to create networks and then promote and implement Business Execution to accelerate growth among community members and bring everyone to the next stage.
Our Business Execution services are provided exclusively to members of our unique ecosystem community, comprised of representatives from Club 100, portfolio companies, and client companies. Thanks to a deep understanding of member needs nurtured through frequent communication, we are able to create frameworks and networks that realize and maximize desired results.
Our Community operations promote community growth and expand the possibilities of the future through Business Execution programs for an ecosystem built around a core of three players – Club 100, client companies, and portfolio companies.
- Our Community operations
- Quantum Leaps (QxL) has created an ecosystem comprised of more than 2,000 partner companies, including QxL group companies, portfolio companies, client companies, and Tokyo Venture Conference, centered around its members-only Club 100 (referral/approval system), which has grown steadily since its establishment in 2006. With these colleagues, we are creating a venue to grow and expand the possibilities of the future.
- Two elements of Our Community operations
Our Community operations seek to create new value with our community colleagues and to grow and expand the possibilities of the future. To achieve these goals, we provide Our Community the following two critical elements.
- Expert Exchange Sessions
- Business Execution
- Expert Exchange Sessions
Quantum Leaps invites distinguished experts from a wide variety of fields, providing a forum for Club 100 members to learn about creating new value in business.
(Please access the following URL for a list of past speakers.) (Japanese only)- Specific activities:
Club 100 regular meetings and Club 100 breakout sessionsOur Chief Navigators, who organize and run the Club 100 regular meetings and breakout sessions, carefully select outstanding guest speakers active in a wide variety of fields to give presentations and hold study sessions on breaking issues, management challenges, and other relevant themes. After the study sessions, a buffet-style reception is held to provide an opportunity for close discussions and interaction between the speakers and Club 100 members.
Adventure ForumAdventure Forum is a year-round educational program for both large corporate and venture Club 100 member companies to learn and discuss timely topics. Expert lectures are held regularly with discussions held in groups of five to 10 people.
- Business Execution
- Quantum Leaps is not just about classroom learning but also about managing businesses and setting up growth with community colleagues. Business Execution takes place through the following steps: